MiChat Terms of Service

Last modified on 10 July 2024

Welcome to MiChat (the “Platform”)! We, MiChat Pte Limited, UEN 201809553H, (“MiChat, “we” or “us”) are proud to be operating this Platform for your access and use. Through and in respect of this Platform, we provide various features and services, such as messaging, social media sharing, chatroom, internet calling, technical, customer support, and etc, through our mobile applications (“MiChat” and “MiChat Lite” (collectively, “MiChat Apps”)) or otherwise (collectively, “Services”).

Before registering and/or using our Platform and Services, you must first agree to the terms herein, including any terms expressly incorporated and applicable terms set out in Part 2 of the Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy (collectively “Terms”). Please therefore read this document in detail, which becomes binding on you the moment you register or start using our Services. They contain information about your rights and obligations in relation to our Services. This Terms of Service is available on our website, www.michat.sg (“Website”), on any website or platform where you can access our Services, including from within our mobile application.

Part 1

Article 1. About

1.1 These Terms apply to your download, access and/or use (collectively, “Use”) of any of our Services, whether on a computer, a mobile device, our Website or any other website, device or platform. This includes the Use of any of our products such as MiChat Apps, software and datafeed, including any updates or patches released by us.

1.2 The following documents are incorporated herein by reference with the same force and effect as though they are fully set forth herein, and they therefore shall apply to your Use of the Services as well. If there are any inconsistencies, each document shall take precedence according to the order as it is listed below to the extent of the inconsistency:

1) This Terms of Service;
2) MiChat’s Privacy Policy, which can be found at https://www.michat.sg/privacy-policy/; and
3) MiChat’s Community Guidelines, which can be found at https://www.michat.sg/community-guidelines/.
To avoid doubt, we do not guarantee that the above web addresses are correct or functioning at all times and any incorrect or non-functioning web addresses shall not affect the proper incorporation of the relevant documents into the Terms of Service.

1.3 Simply by Using our Services, you are agreeing to the Terms. Without affecting the generality of the foregoing, you may be required to click the “agree” or “accept” button, or tick a checkbox for this Terms of Service. In doing so, you are agreeing to the Terms. In all cases, you shall further be deemed to have completely read and understood all the Terms and have taken proper legal advice. If you do not agree to any of these Terms, please do not Use any of the Services and uninstall any of our products that you may have installed in any device, browser or website immediately.

1.4 These Terms may be amended from time to time and shall take effect immediately upon publication by us on our Website without the need to provide further notice to you. You agree that it is your sole and absolute responsibility to review periodically the updated version of our Terms. If you do not agree to any of the amended Terms, then you must not use or cease using the Services. Any continuous Use of our Services constitutes your acceptance to these changes, even if you have not been made aware of the changes.

1.5 You confirm that you are at least 13 years old and that if you are between 13 years and 21 years old, your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to these Terms principally and on your behalf, and have consented to you using our Services. Any rights and obligations accruing to you shall likewise accrue and bind your parent or legal guardian.

1.6 Depending on where your reside when you Use our Services, additional terms shall be applicable to you. Such terms are found under Part 2 of this Terms of Service, which comes after Part 1. Any conflict between the applicable terms in Part 2 and the terms in Part 1 shall be resolved in favour of the applicable terms of Part 2 to the extent of any inconsistency.

Article 2. Your Right to Use the Services

2.1 Subject to these Terms, MiChat grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, limited right and license to use the Services for your personal and non-commercial use only. The rights granted to you are subject to your strict compliance with these Terms. MiChat retains all ownership rights, titles and interests in and to the Services, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, moral rights, whether registered or not and all applications and modifications thereof. Unless expressly authorised by law, the Services may not be copied, reproduced, modified or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without MiChat’s prior written consent. MiChat reserves all rights not expressly granted to you herein.

2.2 If you intend to use any of the Services for any commercial purpose, you shall seek our express agreement and enter into a further set of terms governing such use.

Article 3. Availability of Services

3.1 MiChat provides all Services to you on an “as is” and “with all faults” basis. MiChat does not guarantee, warrant or represent that any of our Services will be available or error-free at all times or at any given time, regardless of whose fault it is. MiChat shall therefore not be liable to you for any losses or damages that you may suffer as a result of you using our Services that turns out to be defective, unavailable, disrupted or afflicted with any error.

3.2 MiChat may limit, suspend or terminate the Services, or portions thereof, and take technical and legal steps, (including, but not limited to, deleting any account associated with you and registered with us) to prevent you from accessing the Services if MiChat believes you are creating risk or possible legal liabilities, infringing intellectual property rights of third parties, or breaching and not acting in accordance with the letter or spirit of these Terms. In such an event, you shall not be entitled to any compensation in respect of any losses that you may suffer as a result.

3.3 MiChat reserves its right to stop offering and/or supporting the Services or a part thereof at any time without any prior notice to you, at which point your license to use the Services or a part thereof will be terminated automatically.

Article 4. AI Services

4.1 This section concerns additional terms applicable to the Services we offer which relate to AI, or which rely on AI to deliver (“AI Services”). All other terms applicable to your use of MiChat’s Services are likewise applicable to your use of the AI Services.

4.2 Any image, statement, information, text, sound clip, or any kind of product of our AI Services shall be known as “Output”. Any image, statement, instruction, request, information, text, sound clip, or any sort of content uploaded by yourself in order to generate Output, shall be known as “Input”.

4.3 Please note that MiChat’s AI Services are provided on an “as-is”, and “with all faults” basis. We make no representations, guarantees, or warranties (whether implied or express) with respect to the AI Services or the Output. To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, quiet enjoyment, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing or trade usage. We do not warrant that the AI Services will be uninterrupted, constantly online, accurate or error free, or that any content, Input or Output will be secure and not lost or altered. In particular, we emphasise that we make no indemnity or guarantee as to the form, content, or veracity of any Output from our services.

4.4 In certain cases, our AI Services may make use of Input uploaded by yourself in order to generate Output. We wish to emphasise that MiChat is not responsible nor liable for any Output generated in response to any Input uploaded by yourself, and will not be held liable for any resulting violation of Intellectual Property, or any resulting third party claims. MiChat bears no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any Input, any data or other content maintained or uploaded to the AI Services.

4.5 By using our AI Services, you agree that:-

a. You have the necessary rights and permissions to all the Input that you upload to the AI Services, including the rights to use and share the Input;

b. If the Input contains the image of any identifiable person, you have obtained consent from the said individual to use and distribute their image as may be required by law;

c. You have ensured that the Input does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any party;

d. You will use the AI Services and/or any Output obtained from or partially from the AI Services for your own personal use only;

e. You will not use the AI Services or any Output or any combination, modification, or transformation of any Output for any sort of illegal, unethical, or immoral purposes, including defamation, disparagement, or harassment of others;

f. You understand that the AI Services and Output are not to be relied on as accurate sources of information or professional advice, and you will not rely on them as such. You will conduct research or consult relevant professionals before relying on any Output. Any use of Output from our AI Services is at your sole risk.

g. You are fully responsible for any Output obtained in response to your request, or derived from any Input uploaded by yourself. You will indemnify and hold MiChat harmless for any claims or issues arising therefrom.

4.6 By using our AI Services, you waive the right to participate in any class action lawsuits or class-wide arbitration for claims relating to the AI Services. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to the AI Services must be addressed on an individual basis.

Article 5. Code of Conduct

5.1 You agree that you shall not, under any circumstances

a. Breach any laws that apply to you in the location where you access our Services. If any laws applicable to you restrict or prohibit you from using our Services, you must comply with those legal restrictions or, if applicable, stop accessing and/or using our Services.

b. Post any information, content or other material (or post links to any information or content) or do anything that violates our Community Guidelines.

c. Use, either directly or indirectly, any automation software, bots, hacks, mods or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with the Services,

d. Use the Services for commercial purposes, unless expressly permitted by us and conditioned on you agreeing to a further set of terms governing such commercial use by you,

e. Use the Services for fraudulent, abusive or harassing purposes against, or to harm any person or group, including but not limited to MiChat or any related persons. Fraudulent activities include impersonating any person or entity, or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with a person, entity or the Services, including, but not limited to MiChat or any person related thereto.

f. Disrupt, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect the normal flow of the Services or otherwise act in a manner that may negatively affect other users’ experience when using the Services.

g. Gain unauthorized access to the Services, to accounts not belonging to you or to the computers, servers, or networks connected to the Services by any means other than the user interface provided by MiChat. For example, you shall not circumvent, modify, defeat or overcome any of the encryption technologies or security measures that are part of the Service.

h. Decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble any of the Services.

i. Disguise, anonymise or hide your IP address or the source of any content that you may upload, post or transmit.

j. Make available through the Services any material or information that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, right of publicity or other right of any person or entity.

k. Harvest, scrape or collect any information or data transmitted, processed or stored by MiChat including, but not limited to through the use of cookies, spyware, passive collection mechanisms or similar items, unless expressly permitted by MiChat.

l. Engage in any act that MiChat deems to conflict with the spirit or intent of the Services or make improper use of MiChat’s support services.

m. Distribute in any medium any part of the Services or content therein without MiChat’s prior written consent, unless MiChat makes available the means for such distribution through functionality or features offered by the Services.

n. Do anything that causes harm or damage to us or any other users.

o. Attempting to do, or assisting, advocating or encouraging any person to attempt or do any of the above.

Article 6. Account

6.1 You are required to create an account with us when Using our Services. The account shall be personal to you and you shall not be entitled to transfer it to anyone else. You shall take all steps necessary to remember and protect your login details and keep them confidential. If you are unable to log into your account, MiChat shall be under no obligation to restore your access to your account.

6.2 All personal information disclosed to us for the purposes of creating the account shall be accurate and shall be processed and protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

6.3 You shall not give nor share your login details to anyone else or allow anyone else to use your account. You are solely responsible for all uses and activities of your account. You acknowledge and agree that MiChat shall be entitled to deem that anyone logging into your account using your login details is either you or, without affecting the aforesaid prohibition against permitting someone else to use your login details or account, someone logging in with your express and written permission.

6.4 You must also not use another person’s account. You shall be liable for the losses of MiChat or others due to any such unauthorised use by you.

6.5 MiChat shall not be responsible to you for any loss or harm that you may suffer as a result of any unauthorised Use of your account, whether fraudulently, intentionally or otherwise, regardless if any fault is attributable to MiChat.

6.6 Without affecting MiChat’s other rights, MiChat reserves the right to delete your account if no activity is conducted by you in relation to the account for 180 or more calendar days for whatever reason even if you are physically prevented from logging in.

6.7 If your account is deleted or blocked for whatever reasons, you may lose access to any data previously associated with your account. MiChat shall not be liable to you in any way for such an event.

6.8 You acknowledge and agree that you shall have no ownership or other proprietary interest in any account or any content therein that you have posted, transmitted or uploaded using any of our Services.

6.9 You may request for the deletion of your account and/or personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for the process and procedure.

Article 7. Content by Other User and You

7.1 You acknowledge and agree that MiChat does not control nor monitor any content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available by any users on our Services (“Content”). MiChat therefore does not represent, warrant or guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content.

7.2 You acknowledge and agree that when using our Services, you may be exposed to Content that you may consider offensive, indecent or objectionable. You therefore shall have accepted all such risks. You waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against MiChat with respect thereto, and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, agree to indemnify and hold harmless MiChat, its owners, operators, affiliates, licensors and licensees to the fullest extent allowed by law regarding all matters related to your Use of the Services.

7.3 MiChat shall not be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to any errors or omissions in any Content, or any losses or harm of any kind resulting from the use of any Content. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of our Services.

7.4 By posting, uploading or otherwise submitting Content via our Services and in exchange for Use of our Services, you:

a. are representing that you are fully entitled to do so and the Content does not infringe any intellectual property rights of others and do not contain any prohibited electronic information and/or documents in accordance with the law and provisions;

b. grant MiChat a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, fully transferable and sub-licensable worldwide right and license to use your Content in any way and for any purposes including, but not limited to, the right to reproduce, copy, adapt, modify, perform, display, publish, broadcast, transmit, or otherwise communicate to the public by any current or future means and to distribute the Content without any further notice or compensation to you of any kind;

c. to the extent permitted by law, waive any moral rights of paternity, publication, reputation, or attribution with respect to MiChat’s and other users’ use and enjoyment of your Content in connection with the Services and related goods and services under applicable law, or in the alternative where such rights cannot be waived, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not enforce them in any proceedings, legal or otherwise, against MiChat or any other users;

d. acknowledge and agree that we have no obligation to monitor or protect your moral rights in any Content that you may submit to us, but you do give us the right to enforce your rights in that Content if we want to, including but not limited to taking legal action (at our cost) on your behalf; and

e. acknowledge and agree that any Content and data provided to the MiChat AI Chatbot plugin powered by Google Gemini (“AI Chatbot”) may be used by MiChat and/or Google. You will need to refer to Google’s policies should you require any further clarifications.

7.5 All the preceding sub-provisions applying to your submitted Content shall apply to any Services-related content that you may email, transmit or send to us by whatever means, even if unsolicited by us. To avoid doubt, such content may be used and exploited by MiChat without compensation to you or any third party. Further, such content shall not be, and you shall not have any expectations of them being, treated as confidential, regardless of what you otherwise state in your accompanying message, as permitted by applicable law.

7.6 The abovementioned grant of license to MiChat and waiver of any applicable moral rights, or the corresponding rights to enforce are perpetual and irrevocable, and survives the termination of these Terms.

Article 8. Third Party Services and Charges

8.1 You are solely responsible for any internet connection and/or mobile charges that you may incur for Using our Services. You should ask your mobile operator or internet service provider if you are unsure what these charges will be, before you Use our Services.

8.2 Our Services may include links to third-party services (including, but not limited to, offers or advertisements displayed by the third parties) and also include third-party plug-ins (for example the Google Gemini AI Chatbot). We make no representations, warranties, guarantees nor endorsement regarding any content, goods or services provided by such third parties. We shall not be liable in relation to any losses or harm arising out of you accessing these links or using these third-party services. We make no representation or guarantee of any completely ad-free user experience under any circumstances.

8.3 These third-party services may be subject to respective third party terms and conditions, which pursuant thereto, you may be incurring charges in using their services. Please read these third-party terms and conditions, carefully as they constitute an agreement between solely you and the relevant third-party service provider. We shall not be responsible for any charges that you may incur in respect of these third-party services.

8.4 When you provide data to such third parties, you are providing it in accordance with their privacy policy (if any) and our Privacy Policy shall not apply at all in relation to those disclosures.

Article 9. Suspension and Termination

9.1 Despite anything to the contrary, we may suspend, terminate, block, modify or delete your account or any Services accounts at any time for any reason or no reason, with or without notice to you, without any monetary compensation to you.

9.2 Without affecting the generality of the aforesaid, MiChat reserves the right to decide whether any of your Content violates these Terms. We reserves the right to remove any Content from our Services, with or without any notice to you, if we decide in our sole and absolute discretion that it is a breach of the Community Guidelines or any part of these Terms, or that it may bring us or our Services into disrepute.

9.3 Without affecting the generality of the aforesaid, MiChat further reserves the right to decide that your actions are in breach of our Terms, including but without limitation your use of our Services is subject to investigation by any authorities or adverse report by other users, or a police report has been made against you, and therefore take any of the following actions, whether individually or in combination, either with or without notice to you, not bound by any order or sequence and without any compensation to you:

  1. delete, block, suspend and/or modify your Account or parts of your Account;
  2. limit, suspend and/or terminate your Use of any Services.

9.4 You agree to compensate and indemnify us, according to law, for all losses, harm, claims, regardless brought by whom, and expenses that may arise from any breach of these Terms by you.

Article 10. Limitation of Liability

10.1 MiChat shall in no way be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from your Use or malfunction of the Services, including but not limited to, damages to property, loss of reputation, device failure or malfunction and, to the extent permitted by law and if applicable, damages for personal injuries, death, lost profits or punitive damages from any causes of action arising out of or related to these Terms or the Services, whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract, strict liability or otherwise and whether or not MiChat has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

10.2 For purposes of this Article, MiChat’s licensors and other partners are third-party beneficiaries to the limitations of liability specified herein and are entitled to enforce these Terms against you despite them not a party to these Terms.

10.3 Subject to the above and to the extent permitted by applicable law, you acknowledge and agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to the Services shall be commenced by you within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues, failing which, you are prohibited from commencing legal or administrative proceedings against MiChat, or in the alternative, you are estopped from doing so. You acknowledge and agree that non-compliance with this limitation period shall result in significant prejudice or detriment to MiChat arising out of its reliance of the aforesaid in managing its operational and financial affairs.

10.4 The exclusions and limitations of damages are fundamental elements of the basis of the agreement between MiChat and you. Despite anything to the contrary, you acknowledge and agree that your superior right with respect to any problems or dissatisfaction with any of our Services is to discontinue your use of our Services.

10.5 Some jurisdictions may not allow certain limitations of liability such as those stated above. Therefore, if you are resident of such jurisdictions, the foregoing limitations of liability shall apply only to the extent permitted by the laws of such jurisdictions

10.6 You may have additional legal rights in your jurisdiction where you reside, and nothing in these Terms will affect such statutory rights you may have as a consumer of the Services.

10.7 You agree to indemnify, defend and hold MiChat (and MiChat’s officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) harmless from any claim, demand, damages or other losses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, asserted by any third party resulting from or arising out of your use of the Services, or any breach by you of these Terms.

Article 11. Suspected Copyright Infringement

11.1 If you believe that any copyrights of your material has been infringed by the Services and you would like us to take down the offending part of the Services, you may send a take-down notice to MiChat’s “Designated Representative”. All notices are to be sent to and via any means below, though ideally via email with the subject header of “Take-Down Notice”:

Attention: Legal Department
Address: 38 Beach Road, #29-11, South Beach Tower, Singapore 189767
Telephone No: +65 6715 6059
Email address: legal@michat.sg

11.2 For general or other queries, you may contact us via the methods set out below.

11.3 For a take-down notice to be valid, the notice shall be signed by you and contain all of your following information:

  1. name, address, telephone number, facsimile number (if any) and email address and the address for service in Singapore if you are not resident in Singapore;
  2. sufficient information to enable us to identify the infringing material and its online location;
  3. a statement that you require us to remove/disable access to the material;
  4. a statement that you, in good faith, believes that the material is an infringing copy;
  5. a statement that the information in the take-down notice is accurate;
  6. a statement that you are the copyright owner or exclusive licensee or that you are authorised to act on behalf of such owner or exclusive licensee; and
  7. your agreement that you submits to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.

11.4 Please note that under the relevant laws, if a party is found to have made a statement that is false or does not believe it to be true in his take-down notice, he may be liable in damages to any party who suffers any loss/damage as a result of that notice, or may be guilty of a statutory offence and on conviction, shall be liable to statutory penalties. You should take proper legal advice if you are unclear about your rights and obligations in respect of the aforesaid.

Article 12. Product Purchases and Subscriptions

12.1 From time to time, MiChat may offer products, services, premium and paid value-added functions and/or (recurring or one-time) subscriptions (“Product”) for purchase with payment processing by third party payment platforms/gateways such as Google Play, App Store, Xendit, carrier billing, credit cards or other payment platforms/gateways (your “Payment Method”).

a. If you choose to purchase a Product, you will be required to confirm the price, category, type, quantity, duration, renewal term, function, product and/or service before you make payment and you will be charged for the purchase of the Product at the prices displayed to you for the item you have selected subject to any Goods and Service Tax or similar taxes that may be imposed . You hereby agree and authorise MiChat or your Payment Method, as the case may be, to charge you. By making payment, you agree that the purchase of the chosen Products are non-refundable in any and all circumstances.

b. Pricing of Products is at the sole-discretion of MiChat. MiChat may at anytime provide random promotions and/or discounts to Users. As such, Users may not be offered the same purchase or subscription price even if Users make a purchase at the same time and at the same location.

c. Products purchased or subscribed to on a platform are strictly for use on the same platform (i.e. Products purchased or subscribed to via the MiChat android app/Google Playstore shall only be available/restored on the MiChat android app/Google Playstore.

d. As far as possible, MiChat strives to provide the Products purchased or subscribed to as it is depicted in each Product description. Where it is not possible, MiChat will do what is reasonably necessary to fulfil the Product description. For example, where the Product purchased is for 1000 user impressions within a vicinity of 10km, but there are only 950 users within a vicinity of 10km, MiChat will open the remaining 50 user impressions to user outside the vicinity of 10km but as near as possible. In such scenario, you agree that MiChat has satisfactorily fulfilled the Product purchase requirements.

12.2 If your Product purchase is or includes an auto-renewal subscription, your Payment Method will continue to be billed for the subscription until you actively cancel the subscription. After your initial subscription, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, at the price you agreed to when subscribing. If we will be charging you a higher or lower amount due to any price increases or decrease in price, you will be notified by Google of such price changes in advance in accordance with Google’s terms and procedures. Should you disagree to the price increase or decrease, you will be required to cancel the subscription prior to renewal.

Pricing of renewals is at the sole-discretion of MiChat and there is no guarantee that the renewal rates  would be the same as the initial rates or any prior promotions and discounts are still applicable. MiChat may at anytime provide random promotions and/or discounts to Users for renewals. As such, Users may not be offered the same renewal price even if Users renew at the same time and at the same location.

For the avoidance of doubt, MiChat retains the sole discretion and right to provide any promotions and discounts or to remove/change any promotions and discounts for Product purchases, subscriptions and renewals.

12.3 We utilize third-party payment platforms/gateways to process transactions, and we are not liable for any issues that arise in relation to the services provided by these third-party payment platforms/gateways. For issues such as unauthorized transactions, please contact the respective third-party payment platform/gateway, as they hold primary responsibility for these transactions. If the transaction was made through a third-party payment platform, any disagreement to any transaction already made should be directed to the relevant third-party payment platform such as  Google Play , App Store, carrier billing, credit cards or other payment platforms. If you chose the “MiChat” payment option at the checkout page, please be aware that the transaction has been processed through the Xendit payment gateway. Therefore, you may write to them at help@xendit.co if you wish to contest any unauthorised transaction. You should also contact your bank or the payment provider, who can provide further information on your rights as well as applicable time limits.

12.4 If you want to change or terminate your subscription, you will need to log in to your third party payment platform account and follow the instructions to terminate or cancel your subscription, even if you have deleted your account with us or if you have deleted the MiChat application from your device. DELETING YOUR ACCOUNT ON MICHAT OR DELETING THE APPLICATION DOES NOT TERMINATE OR CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. MiChat shall have the right to retain all amounts charged to your Payment Method until you terminate or cancel your subscription through the third party payment platform account, as applicable. If you terminate or cancel your subscription through the appropriate methods/channels, you may use your subscription until the end of your then-current subscription term, and your subscription will not be renewed after your then-current term expires.

​12.5 You may edit your Payment Method information by visiting the third party payment platform account. If a payment is not successfully settled, due to expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, and you do not edit your Payment Method information, terminate or cancel your subscription, you shall remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and authorise us to continue billing the Payment Method, until it appropriately updated. This may result in a change to your payment billing dates and applicable surcharges for failed deductions. The terms of your payment will be based on your Payment Method and may be determined by agreements between you and the financial institution, credit card issuer, payment platform provider or other provider of your chosen Payment Method.

12.6 From time to time, instead of purchasing goods and/or services directly, what is being offered is instead “coins” or other units (“Virtual Units”) that are exchangeable within the Service for goods and/or services. You agree that these Virtual Units you may be able to purchase or earn is actually a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use the Virtual Units. Any Virtual Unit balance shown in your account does not constitute a real-world balance or reflect any stored value, but instead constitutes a measurement of the extent of your license. Virtual Units do not incur fees for non-use, however, the license granted to you in Virtual Units will terminate in accordance with these Terms, when MiChat ceases providing the Service or your account is otherwise closed or terminated.

​12.7 MiChat may manage, regulate, control, modify or eliminate Virtual Units at any time and MiChat shall have no liability to you or any third party in the event that MiChat exercises any such rights. Virtual Units may only be redeemed through the Service. ALL PURCHASES AND REDEMPTIONS OF VIRTUAL UNITS MADE THROUGH THE SERVICE ARE FINAL AND NON-REFUNDABLE. The provision of Virtual Units for use in the Service is a service that commences immediately upon the acceptance of your purchase of such Virtual Units. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MICHAT IS NOT REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A REFUND IN RESPECT OF VIRTUAL UNITS FOR ANY REASON, AND THAT YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER COMPENSATION FOR UNUSED VIRTUAL UNITS WHEN AN ACCOUNT IS CLOSED, SUSPENDED OR FEATURES THEREOF ARE LIMITED, WHETHER SUCH RESULT WAS VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY.

12.8 Save for and subject to any local laws mandating otherwise, all charges for purchases (including subscriptions) are non-refundable, and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. For the avoidance of doubt and without affecting the generality of Article 3.2, situations of non-refund includes your account being suspended or blocked for whatever reasons, and also for situations where purchases were made at a higher price just prior to a promotional event or period. We will make an exception and allow refunds only if the laws applicable in your jurisdiction provide for a mandatory refund, which we will comply accordingly. If your jurisdiction provides you with the right to request for a refund, please follow the steps as follows:

i) If you made a purchase using your Google Play account: please contact support@michat.sg with your order number from Google Play (you can find the order number in the order confirmation email or by logging into your Google account).

ii) If you made a purchase using your Apple ID, refunds are handled by Apple, not MiChat. To request a refund, go to the App Store, click on your Apple ID, select “Purchase history”, find the transaction and hit “Report Problem”. You can also submit a request at https://getsupport.apple.com.

If your application for a refund is successful (except for purchases made through your Apple ID, which Apple controls), we will refund (or ask Google to refund) all payments received from you, without undue delay and in any case within 7 (seven) calendar days of the date when we received notice of your decision to cancel the purchase. Where possible, we shall first make such refund using the same means of payment as used by you in the initial transaction. At our sole discretion, we may alternatively choose to make such refund to your Google Play Account or Apple App Store Account, as may be required.

iii) If you made a purchase by selecting the “Michat” payment option at the checkout page, please be aware that your transaction has been processed through the Xendit payment gateway: therefore, please contact help@xendit.co with your order number.

Article 13. Language

13.1 These Terms may be translated into several languages and while different languages thereof may be accessible depending from which Services you seek to access, all translated languages of these Terms may be found on our main website.

13.2 If there is any conflict between any translated version of these Terms, the English version shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistencies.

Article 14. Privacy

14.1 Without affecting any other Terms, any personal data collected, used and disclosed by MiChat shall be in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and which you agree to when you Use our Services.

Article 15 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

15.1 Most concerns may be solved quickly and without hassle by contacting the relevant app store or payment processor (which may be Google Play, App Store, Xendit, carrier billing, credit cards or other payment platforms/gateways). You shall use your best efforts to settle any dispute, claim, question or disagreement directly through consultation and good faith negotiations, which shall be a precondition to you taking further dispute resolution steps provided herein.​

15.2 These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, regardless of conflict of law provisions, and parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore Courts.

15.3 Save for any action brought by us against you related to any intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to infringements thereof, any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC Rules”) for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. The seat of the arbitration shall be in Singapore and the tribunal shall consist of 3 arbitrators. The language of the arbitration shall be English.

Article 16. Questions About These Terms Or Our Services

16.1 If you have any questions about these Terms or our Services or would like to give feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at support@michat.sg

Article 17. Reporting of Other Users

17.1 If you encounter any user or Content that breaches these Terms, you may report these to us immediately through the various reporting features which we have developed and placed within various parts of the interface of the mobile application. We endeavour to investigate and follow up accordingly.

Article 18. General

18.1 You acknowledge and agree that: (i) the Service shall be deemed and provided in Singapore and (ii) the Service shall be deemed a passive website that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over MiChat, either specific or general, in jurisdiction other than Singapore.

18.2 Nothing in these Terms shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits in respect of enforcing your rights or enjoying benefits

18.3 All headings herein are for ease of reference only and shall not be used for interpreting these Terms.

18.4 MiChat may assign these Terms, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent. You shall not assign or delegate any rights or obligations under these Terms without prior written and express consent, and any unauthorized assignment and delegation by you shall be void.

18.5 If any part of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable local laws or by an applicable court, that part shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect as nearly as possible our original intentions and the remainder of these Terms shall remain valid and enforceable. If it is not possible to interpret an invalid or unenforceable part of these Terms in a manner consistent with applicable law, then that part shall be deemed deleted from these Terms without affecting the remaining provisions of these Terms.

18.6 These Terms and any other legal notices that we may have published set out the entire agreement between you and us concerning our Services and they supersede any and all earlier agreements and understandings between you and us.

18.7 Other than in these Terms, any statements concerning the Services by MiChat in any materials, whether in marketing materials to the public at large, direct communications with you or otherwise, are mere puffs. They shall not constitute representations of any kind, facts, intentions or otherwise, and you acknowledge and agree that you shall not and have not relied on them in Using our Services.

18.8 Our failure to exercise or enforce any of our rights under these Terms does not waive our right to enforce such rights. Any waiver of such rights shall only be effective if it is in writing and signed by an authorised representative of MiChat.

Article 19. Additional Terms for iOS users

19.1 The terms in this Article 18 shall additionally apply if you access and use MiChat Apps using Apple’s iOS. You acknowledge that the Terms are concluded between MiChat and you only, and not with Apple. Apple shall not be responsible for the MiChat Apps and the content thereof.

19.2 Scope of License: Despite anything to the contrary, the license granted to you for the MiChat Apps shall be limited to a non-transferable license to use the MiChat Apps on any Apple branded products that you own or control and as permitted by the “Usage Rules” set forth in the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions, except that such MiChat Apps may be accessed, acquired, and used by other accounts associated with you via “Family Sharing”, volume purchasing or “Legacy Contacts”.

19.3 Maintenance and Support: You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the MiChat Apps.

19.4 Warranty: In the event of any failure of the MiChat Apps to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price (if appliable) for the MiChat Apps to you, and that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the MiChat Apps, and any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will not be Apple’s responsibility.

19.5 Product Claims: Subject to the Terms, we, and not Apple, are responsible for addressing any claims of yours or any third party relating to the MiChat Apps or your possession and/or use of MiChat Apps,  including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) claims of non-compliance to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.

19.6 Intellectual Property Rights: In the event of any third party claim that the MiChat Apps or your possession and use of the MiChat​ Apps infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights, Apple shall not be responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim.

19.7 US Sanctions: You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a region that is subject to a U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” region; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

19.8 Third Party Terms of Agreement: You shall comply with applicable third party terms of agreement when using the MiChat Apps.

19.9 If you have any feedback with respect to the MiChat Apps, you may reach us at:

MiChat Pte Limited
38 Beach Road, #29-11, South Beach Tower, Singapore 189767

19.10​ Third Party Beneficiary: Despite anything to the contrary, Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries, are third party beneficiaries of the Terms, and that, upon your acceptance of the Terms, Apple shall have the right (and shall be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce the Terms against you as a third party beneficiary thereof.​​​​​​​​​​

Part 2


1. If you are the Government, state institution, private entity or citizen of Indonesia, in compliance with the prevailing laws in Indonesia concerning usage of Indonesia language, this Terms shall eventually, if not already translated, be translated into Bahasa Indonesia. In such a scenario, you agree that the Bahasa Indonesia version shall have an effective date being the date the English version of this Terms becomes binding on you. The Bahasa Indonesia translated version shall form an integral and inseparable part of the English version. In the event of any inconsistency or different interpretation between the Bahasa Indonesia and the English versions, the English version shall prevail and the relevant Bahasa Indonesia version shall be deemed to be automatically amended to conform with and to make the relevant Indonesian text consistent with the relevant English text. You further agree that no claim shall be brought against us on the basis of non-compliance with prevailing laws in Indonesia concerning usage of Indonesian language.

2. If these Terms are amended, we will notify you immediately of such changes. Such changes shall take effect immediately upon our notification to you. If you do not agree to any of the amended terms, then you must not continue Using the Services. Any continuous Use of our Services thereafter constitutes your acceptance to these changes.

3. In compliance with prevailing electronic system and information law in Indonesia, we shall not facilitate any contents which may violate any prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia and shall reserve the rights to remove content as it may violate the provisions of any local laws and regulations in Indonesia.

Therefore, by using the Services, you continuously agree and warrant us that you shall not use the Services for purposes which restricted and prohibited by prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia and shall be held solely responsible for any of your Use and your content which violate prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia.

4. The Virtual Units as referenced in Article 12.6 are not and shall not be deemed as virtual currencies.

5. If users would like to raise any feedback in respect of any purchases made, please write to support@michat.sg


1. We do not exercise any editorial control over any of your Content.

2. You will comply with the requirements of Malaysian law including, but not limited to, the Content Code and shall not provide prohibited content nor any content in contravention of Malaysian law.

3. We shall have the right to remove your content if they are prohibited content.

4. For further information regarding the above, you may find it at https://contentforum.my/

End of Document